TMT-OV2 2" Diameter Oven Thermometer
TMT-OV2 2" Diameter Oven Thermometer

TMT-OV2 2" Diameter Oven Thermometer

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$4.29 /
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TMT-OV2 is a round oven thermometer. This thermometer features an easy-to-read 2" dial display with a temperature range of 40° to 500° F. Great way to take the guesswork out of preheating your oven when baking or roasting. Designed for hanging or sitting on top of an oven rack, this oven thermometer features a built-in hook and a wide standing panel. This model is also NSF listed.

Available for pickup
In stock at 235 Rolling Hill Road · Usually ready in 24 hours

In stock at 235 Rolling Hill Road

TMT-OV2 2" Diameter Oven Thermometer

Available for pickup

235 Rolling Hill Road

Usually ready in 24 hours

235 Rolling Hill Road
Mooresville NC 28117
United States

(704) 660 1908

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