K-54S 14" Premium Oval Sharpening Steel
K-54S 14" Premium Oval Sharpening Steel

K-54S 14" Premium Oval Sharpening Steel

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Instead of buying new knives when your current ones begin to dull, sharpen them with this sharpening steel, and they'll be good as new. The plastic handle also features a finger guard so that your fingers are never in the way of a blade. Made of super hard HRC 59-63 steel, these magnetic sharpening steels attract metal shavings during the sharpening process to prevent debris from sticking to knives and getting onto food.

Available for pickup
In stock at 235 Rolling Hill Road · Usually ready in 24 hours

In stock at 235 Rolling Hill Road

K-54S 14" Premium Oval Sharpening Steel

Available for pickup

235 Rolling Hill Road

Usually ready in 24 hours

235 Rolling Hill Road
Mooresville NC 28117
United States

(704) 660 1908

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