AES-4 Egg Slicer
AES-4 Egg Slicer

AES-4 Egg Slicer

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The AES-4 square aluminum egg slicer to produce uniform pieces of hard boiled eggs for sandwich fillings and egg salads. Built with 10 piano wires, this slicer quickly and effortlessly divides peeled hard boiled eggs into perfect rounds and ovals. This hinged egg slicer is made of die-cast aluminum, enabling it to withstand even the toughest test in a busy kitchen. This square slicer will produce 11 equal slices for all your needs. This model is also hand wash only.

Available for pickup
In stock at 235 Rolling Hill Road · Usually ready in 24 hours

In stock at 235 Rolling Hill Road

AES-4 Egg Slicer

Available for pickup

235 Rolling Hill Road

Usually ready in 24 hours

235 Rolling Hill Road
Mooresville NC 28117
United States

(704) 660 1908

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